Disable or Remove Unsupported Extension Warning Message in Chrome

If you are getting “This extension may soon no longer be supported” warning message on extensions manager page in Google Chrome web browser and your favorite extension was automatically disabled by Chrome, this article will help you in getting rid of this warning message and using your blocked extension again without any problem.

[Problem] Google Chrome is Showing Unsupported Extension Warning Message

Many Chrome users who upgraded or installed the latest version of the web browser, started receiving following warning message on the “Manage Extensions” page:

This extension may soon no longer be supported

Remove or replace it with similar extensions from the Chrome Web Store.

Following screenshot shows the warning message appearing for IDM Integration Module extension on Chrome extensions manager page:


A link “Find alternative” is also displayed that lets users download and install similar extensions/add-ons to replace the problematic or disabled extension in their web browser.

[Reason] Why does Google Chrome Show the Extension Not Supported Message?

Google team is changing the extension functionality or mechanism to Manifest V3 to improve users privacy and security in Chrome web browser. All existing extensions developers will require to transition or upgrade their extensions to the new Manifest V3 mechanism.

If an installed extension in user’s web browser is still using Manifest V2, Chrome starts showing the above mentioned warning message on extensions manager page to alert and notify the user about the deprecated extension.

Very soon all old extensions that are using Manifest V2, will be automatically disabled and blocked in Chrome and users will not be able to enable and use them.

How to Dismiss the Message and Keep the Deprecated Extension Enabled in Chrome

In the mean time, Chrome is not blocking the deprecated extension. It’s only showing the warning message on the extensions homepage and the problematic extension’s details page.

If you receive the warning message, you can click on the 3-dots menu icon given next to the disabled extension and select “Keep for Now” option as shown in following screenshot:


It’ll enable the extension and you’ll be able to use it without any issue.

You can also click on “Got it” button to dismiss the warning message but it’ll keep showing on the extension details page permanently.

How to Completely Disable and Remove Unsupported Extension Message in Chrome

If you want to use the deprecated extension and want to permanently remove the unsupported extension warning message from extension details page, the method given below will help you.

Google Chrome team has provided a hidden secret preference/flag which can be used to completely turn off the Manifest V2 deprecation warning message in Chrome browser.

You can modify this secret preference using following steps and it’ll disable the warning message in your web browser:

STEP 1: Open Google Chrome web browser and type chrome://flags/ in address bar and press Enter. It’ll open the advanced configuration page.

STEP 2: Now type warning in the “Search flags” box.

Look for following options in the results:

Extension Manifest V2 Deprecation Warning Stage

Displays a warning that affected MV2 extensions may no longer be supported due to the Manifest V2 deprecation. – Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Lacros


Extension Manifest V2 Deprecation Disabled Stage

Displays a warning that affected MV2 extensions were turned off due to the Manifest V2 deprecation. – Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Lacros


STEP 3: To deactivate and disable the deprecated extension warning message, select Disabled from the drop-down box for both of the above mentioned options.


STEP 4: Google Chrome will ask you to restart the browser. Click on “Relaunch now” button to restart Google Chrome.

That’s it. Now Chrome will no longer show the warning message on extensions page and will not disable or block deprecated extensions.

PS: In future, if you decide to restore default setting in Chrome, select “Default” option from the drop-down box for the above mentioned options and restart the browser.

Also Check:

[Tip] Enable New Redesigned Extensions Menu Panel in Chrome

How to Enable / Disable All New AI Features in Google Chrome

Published in: Google Chrome, Troubleshooting Guides

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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