Enable Hidden Secret Green Colorful Theme in Opera Browser

Opera web browser comes with a secret colorful theme or UI which can be enabled by modifying a secret preference. This article will help you in activating and enabling this hidden secret theme in Opera browser.

By default, Opera web browser comes with a clean refreshing UI called “Opera One UI” which features rounded tabs and toolbars. Very few people know that Opera developer team has also implemented a secret UI or theme called “Colorful” in the web browser.

The secret theme provides a green colored UI in the web browser. By default, the colorful theme is disabled and not available to select from Settings or any other page. Opera team wants to keep the new UI secret until it’s ready for public use.


Following screenshot shows the green colorful theme activated and enabled in Opera stable version:


You can see in the above screenshot, the secret theme looks nice and I found it better than the default light theme.

Following screenshot shows how the menus and context menus look when the colorful theme is enabled:


The secret theme also supports Dark mode and if the user selects Dark mode from Opera Settings or Windows personalization, it looks amazing as shown in following screenshot:



As you can see in the above screenshot, the colorful theme contains a few minor changes in the Dark mode as compared to the default Dark theme.

Following screenshot shows the menus and context menus appearance in the Dark mode:


If you find the secret colorful theme interesting, you can activate and enable it right now in any version of Opera browser whether it’s public stable, beta or developer.

Opera team has provided a hidden secret preference/flag which can be modified to enable the upcoming colorful theme in Opera browser.

Following steps will help you in applying the hidden secret green colorful theme in Opera web browser right now:

STEP 1: Launch Opera web browser and type opera://flags in address bar and press Enter. It’ll open the hidden secret advanced configuration page called “Experiments“.

STEP 2: Now click inside “Search flags” text box and type color theme. It’ll show following option in the result:

Color Theme

Enable to make Opera UI colorful – Mac, Windows, Linux



STEP 3: To enable the hidden secret colorful theme in your web browser, select “Enabled” from the drop-down box.

STEP 4: Opera will ask you to restart the browser. Click on “Relaunch now” button to restart Opera.

That’s it. After restarting the browser, you’ll get the new colorful theme enabled in your web browser.

PS: In future, if you decide to restore default theme and UI, set the above mentioned flag value to Default again.

Also Check:

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Disable Start Page (Speed Dial) Opening Animation in Opera Web Browser

How to Restore Full Classic Scrollbars in Opera Web Browser

Published in: Opera

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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