Firefox Focus: A Basic, Minimal and Lightweight Browser for Smartphones

If you are looking for a very basic, lightweight and fast web browser app which doesn’t need any customization and works out of the box for your Android smartphone or iPhone, this article will help you.

Recently I was looking for a very basic web browser for one of my Android smartphones to give it to my kid. Following are the features which I required in the web browser app:

  • The browser should be very basic and minimal.
  • The browser should not contain any unwanted and unnecessary extra features. Just the essential browsing features, nothing else.
  • The browser UI should be very clean and clutter free.
  • The browser should not provide lots of settings to customize.
  • The browser should be lightweight and fast.
  • The browser should be reliable and provided by a well known company.

I searched and tested many basic and minimal web browsers for Android and iPhone and finally found “Firefox Focus“. It was the web browser which I was looking for.

Following screenshot shows Firefox Focus app running in Android smartphone:


Firefox Focus is a web browser app from the popular Mozilla company which also develops the awesome Firefox web browser for computers. So we can trust their mobile app as well.

When I installed Firefox Focus app in my Android smartphone, I was amazed to see its distraction-free UI. I have never seen any app with such clean and minimal UI.

Just open the app and start typing the website URL. Simple!

The app is super lightweight and opens faster compared to other browser apps. As I wanted, the Settings page of the app is also very minimal and doesn’t provide many options to customize.

Following screenshot shows Firefox Focus Settings page:


The Settings page contains only 5 sections:

  • General
  • Privacy and Security
  • Search
  • Advanced
  • Mozilla

The General page allows you to change the Dark/Light themes, set as default browser and change language.

Privacy and Security section provides many privacy related settings to turn on/off such as block trackers, JavaScript, cookies, etc. You can also enable and set fingerprint lock to unlock the app.

Search page allows users to change default search engine, turn on/off URL autocomplete and enable/disable search suggestions.

The Advanced page can be used to enable developer tools options.

The Mozilla page allows you to read more about the web browser and Mozilla company.

So you see Firefox Focus browser is very minimal and privacy-oriented web browsing app for smartphones.

If you are also looking for a clean and lightweight browser for your mobile phone, Firefox Focus will definitely please you.

It’s very fast and you can use it as an alternative to Chrome or other web browser apps in your smartphone.

Firefox Focus is available for Android as well as iOS devices. You can download and install it using Google Play Store and Apple App Store in your smartphone.

For your convenience, here are the download page links of Firefox Focus browser:

Download Firefox Focus Web Browser for Android Smartphones

Download Firefox Focus Web Browser for Apple iPhone and iPad

Also Check:

[Fix] Can’t Take Screenshot due to Security Policy in Firefox Focus on Android

Things to Know Before Switching to iPhone from Android

We Want a Small, Compact and Lightweight Android Smartphone

Published in: Mobiles and Internet, Mozilla Firefox

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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