[Fix] Skype App Deleted All Contacts on Android Smartphone

If you were using Skype app on your Android smartphone and Skype deleted all saved contacts or replaced them with “Skype to Phone” shortcuts, this article will help you in understanding the reason behind this issue and preventing Skype from hijacking your device contacts.


Recently an AskVG reader contacted me and asked to write about “Skype app deleting regular phone contacts” problem.

When I did some research on this issue, I found that several Skype users have faced this annoying issue in their Android smartphones.

PROBLEM: Skype App on Android Hijacks and Deletes Device Contacts

Most of the times, Skype app hijacks user’s contacts saved on the device and converts them in an unknown format used by the app. The contacts start showing “Skype to Phone” label. When the user tries to edit/modify them, he is unable to find any option to customize the contact.

Some other users have faced more serious issue while using Skype app. The app deleted all contacts saved on their Android smartphones and they were unable to restore the contacts.

Here are a few comments shared by Skype users about this weird issue on various sites:

Aken42 posted on Reddit:

Phone numbers in contacts replaced with “Skype to phone”

I am using a Samsung S8 and recently many of my contacts have the phone number replaced with a line that says “Skype to Phone”. The edit option at the top of the screen is no longer there as well. What has caused this and how do I switch the numbers back to regular contacts?

Frustrated Contacts User 6694 posted on Android community:

Why does Skype take over Android contacts and convert them to Skype to Phone only?

Skype makes phone contacts Skype to Phone only and if the Skype account is removed from the phone, the affected contacts are gone. I’ve tried searching for one of the missing contacts, searching for .vcf files, looking in Settings under Restore contacts, using deleted contact recovery apps, restarting the phone, shutting down and turning on the phone, and using the Google Contacts app all to no avail.

JosephXu1 posted on Microsoft community:

Skype hijacking contacts

I have long used Gmail to backup my contacts on my Android phone. However, recently, I realized that all my contacts had been converted to Skype contacts and all the Gmail contacts have disappeared. On my phone, I only have the option to “Skype to phone”.

Consequently, I am unable to use WhatsApp or any other communication platform to communicate with my contacts. I think Skype has “hijacked” and taken ownership of my contacts without my permission. Not happy. This is very unethical and has caused great inconvenience. Is there a way to reverse this and prevent this from recurring?

Annie.Ioceva posted on Microsoft community:

Skype for Android deleted all my phone contacts!

I am using Skype for years both on phone and PC. Two weeks ago I realized that I can’t call anyone because when I open contacts on my phone (Sony XPeria XZ3) the only thing I can do is a Skype call. Once I realized that Skype is “stealing” my contacts I decided to uninstall Skype from my mobile. And this was a HUGE mistake.

As a result all my contacts where deleted from my phone address book. I thought there is no need to panic since my contacts are kept in Gmail too BUT this was not true any more. Skype have deleted my contacts from Google too.

I see no other solution then to NOT USE Skype on my mobile any more. I wanted to “unlink” the Skype and Gmail accounts. Looked around and could not find how to do that. I have not connected them at least not.

I revoked permissions to access Contacts from Skype for Android.

So basically Skype app converted the regular contacts saved on user’s device to some other format and when the user uninstalled or removed Skype app, all saved contacts were automatically removed from user’s mobile phone.

Prevent or Block Skype App from Deleting Your Phone Contacts

If you are also facing this issue, first of all DO NOT uninstall Skype app otherwise it’ll delete all contacts. Before uninstalling Skype app, revoke the permission to access contacts for Skype app and then you can safely uninstall the app.

To remove the contacts permission, do as following:

STEP 1: Go to home screen or apps screen and look for Skype app icon. Tap and hold on Skype app icon and select Info (i) option.


It’ll open Skype app information page to customize its settings.

STEP 2: Now tap on Permissions option present on Skype info page.


It’ll open permissions page where you can enable or disable permissions for Skype app in your mobile phone.

STEP 3: Tap on Contacts permission and select Don’t allow option.


That’s it. Now you can safely uninstall or remove Skype app and it’ll not delete your device contacts.

It’ll also remove the “Skype to Phone” label from your phone contacts and you’ll be able to edit them again.

How to Restore Deleted Contacts in Your Android Smartphone

If Skype already deleted your saved contacts, you have following options to get them back:

  • Check your linked Google account and you may find the contacts synced on the account.
  • If you are using Samsung Galaxy smartphone, you may check your Samsung account and it may contain a copy of all contacts.
  • If you have a .CSV file backup of your contacts, you can restore the contacts using this file.
  • You can also try to reinstall Skype app and it might restore the contacts again if it synced the contacts on server.

So be very careful while using Skype app in your Android smartphone and do not remove the app without revoking contacts permission from it.

Also Check:

TIP: Show a Contact Number on Lock Screen in Your Smartphone

Tips to Improve Privacy in Truecaller App on Android Phones

Published in: Mobiles and Internet, Troubleshooting Guides

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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